Welcome to Our Wiki
We hope that this site can provide you with some information and insight about the study and practice of school psychology in the United States. This site was created as a part of a requirement for a Technology in Education class at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. All those involved in developing the content of this wiki-site are school psychology students. We hope this site is of some use to current school psychology students, those thinking of studying school psychology, and practicing school psychologists. Everything we have included on our site, we believe to be of some value to school psychology students and practitioners. The content of this site should not be considered a definitive source or an exhaustive list of resources. We welcome any feedback and requests to add additional information or topics.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our site.
Some things you may need to know:
You can use the table of contents on the right to navigate your way through this site or you can click on one of the links below to go directly to the information of interest to you.
- If you are not sure what a school psychologist does, you should visit What is a School Psychologist Anyway
- You can find definitions for acronyms and other key terms here. Definitions
- To learn information about intelligence tests and other assessments visit Assessment Tools
- To learn more about interventions go to the Interventions page
- For a suggested timeline of when program requirements should be completed visit our Timeline
- Find Helpful Journal Articles, Books, and other reading materials by subject Reading List
- For Praxis study information go to Praxis
- For information about how to find an internship or career information visit the Internship/Career page
- Information about School Psychology professional associations can be found at Organizations & Associations
- To learn about upcoming professional development opportunities visit Professional Development